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Don't Delay the Sale Process


We have a saying around the Putnam Ring Group office that “time kills all deals.” Smart funeral business owners eliminate everything that can delay a sale, because delaying means a lower selling price or no sale at all.
Here are the kind of things that can make or break the pace of a sale:

  • Financial reporting – You’ll need all tax returns filed and a P&L that is no more than two months old

  • Key metrics – What is your five-year call volume, and is case volume and revenue declining or increasing?

  • Paperwork – update and ensure you can document

    • Value of preneed portfolio

    • Percent of cremation to total volume

    • Amount of cash advances in total revenue

The more you have the above ready to go, the quicker and better the sale. If you want help getting prepared, or want to discuss the selling process, call us. We’ve been in your shoes and we can help.
Putnam Ring Group is a funeral-industry merger and acquisition advisory firm serving clients throughout the Midwest. Founded in 2005 by Mark Putnam and David Ring, the firm specializes in providing clients with expert assistance in the sale, or growth through acquisition, of their businesses.
Putnam Ring’s services include:

  • Business consulting 

  • Strategic planning

  • Tailored selling and/or buying strategies

  • Providing capital via SBA and other lending partners

  • Targeted industry research

Putnam Ring’s focus is helping you realize your personal financial potential, whether by buying or selling. In today’s complicated and highly competitive business environment, you need a knowledgeable partner. Putnam Ring skillfully guides clients through all key buying and selling details

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